Here's today's route.
Overall, I had a very pleasant albeit long drive. Very pretty country, mostly rural all the way. I'm having an interesting time with the money. I try to keep American money in one pocket and Canadian in another. I'll say this... It's very colorful. Me likee...
I was worried about needing to have C$ at the outset, but so far it hasn't been an issue. Even the tollbooths take A$ and give change in C$ (minus 5%) Overall, not a bad deal especially if you don't have the local currency.
On a positive note, I finally got a hold of a card reader so I can upload pictures. Too intent on getting to Halifax today to take any. Look for some tomorrow.
Along the way, I passed through Stewiacke, NS. Now, you may ask yourself, why is this idiot telling us about this place in the middle of nowhere? Well dear reader, I'll have you know that it's one of a few, cities in the world that is halfway between the equator and the north pole. Dat's right, here be 45 degrees latitude. A little factoid to share at the next cocktail party.
Random thoughts:
- Everything is so clean!
- Somewhere along the way I entered the ADT (Atlantic Daylight Timezone) I totally missed it until I turned on the TV and found out I was an hour behind what I was expecting. Good thing it didn't affect the eateries...
- It's chilly up here. 56-58 degrees all day
- Livestock update - Left - 45 cows, right - 87 cows. Hmmm, I hesitate to add that I saw 5 raccoons that MUST be shared - not animated.
- Listening to: The Cat Who Walks Though Walls - RAH
- No ESPN at the hotel... Can't watch the UGA/Arkansas game... Maybe it's a good thing.
- I'm having a hard time with the 110 Kph speed limit. I keep checking my gauges to make sure. The cruise control helps, but it still throws me every time I see the sign.