I thought I'd never make it out of Miami. It took 3 hours for what I was hoping would be quick Walmart/BJs visits. Patience was exercised in dealing with traffic and WAY too sophisticated traffic management devices. Is it just me or are the traffic lights in this city off kilter just a tad?
Decided to take the Tamiami Trail (US41) through the Everglades to pass “through paradise of primeval forests and toothy animals” according to the St Petersburg times.
I would recommend the drive to everyone. It only takes an extra 30 minutes from Miami proper, but the scenery is worth it. Some of the pictures from the trail are below.
The trip itself was uneventful. Was not accosted by anybody and had an overall pleasant time.
Scored an excellent deal on accommodations through Hotwire.com. Very pleasant front desk people. What a pleasant surprise.
Random thoughts:
- People fishing off Tamiami Trail. Wonder what they're catching?
- Construction on the Tamiami Trail – in the middle of the Everglades. Stuck! For about 30 minutes.
- Campgrounds OK, but houses in the middle of the Everglades?
- There's the Dade-Collier training airport - http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=25.863342,+-80.897414&jsv=148e&sll=25.864167,-81.137595&sspn=0.023093,0.04343&ie=UTF8&geocode=Fa6kigEdepot-w&split=0 Check it out and Zoom out to see the trail in Google Maps. Sorry, you'll have to cut/paste - still haven't figure out hot to embed links...
- Livestock breakdown: Left 1 manatee, Right 2 alligators.
- Still listening to: The First Law by John Lescroat
- Either the tap water doesn't smell as bad as it used to, or I'm losing my sense of smell.
Mockingbird at the tourist info center.You can see the charring from the last fire.
Front page of the sports section - Ft. Lauderdale paper.
The route.
Well, that's it for today. Stay tuned
I like the picture with the little stick thisngs above the guardrail too.