Sunday, June 21, 2009


So, today I made the final push to home.

Overall, this was a most enjoyable trip. It'll take a few days to unwind and reset from the hours I spent daily driving. Time to restock the fridge, chill out and get ready for the next trip.

Updates will resume in early September.

That's all for now... Stay tuned...

Friday, June 19, 2009

6/19/09 - New Orleans

So today I continued my way east and made it to New Orleans, La.
Here's today's route:
Also, here's what I saw most of the day: Traffic!
Bumper stickers at a souvenir shop in NOLA.

I must be getting really homesick because I didn't take too many pictures today. Nighttime pictures of NOLA weren't successful.
I checked into the hotel and went for a walk. It was almost unbearable with the heat and humidity. I walked the 1/2 mile down to Harrah's casino to play some poker, but all the tables were full and they had a waiting line. I punted and went to dinner. Ordered an oyster Po' Boy and ate the protein. Excellent oysters and bread. Just perfect.

Walked back to the hotel, had so OJ and updated the blog.

Random Thoughts:
  • Ostrich farm 2 hours east of San Antonio - Neat!
  • Finally a usable Internet connection. The Nets is important to our sanities.
  • I wonder how much rubber is on the side of the roads. NHTSA has commissioned a study but it's not out yet. It's certainly not caused by retreads, I tell you that...
  • Only 1 more day before I get back home! 3 cheers here.
  • Listening to: Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card
  • Livestock update: Didn't pay much attention, but the right takes it because of the huge bonus from the ostriches.
That's it for now... Stay tuned...

6/18/09 - San Antonio

So today, I decided to head east and start making my way home. Today's route went from Tucson, to San Antonio (880 miles). Yea, Texas is big. Here's today's route:
This is where I stayed in Tucson. It's a really neat hotel. It's as though time stopped there in the early 70's. Arcane furniture, and hardware, but spacious, spotless rooms, with great service. It was neat to see that not everyone ascribes to the same standard. Recommended.
More Arizona views.

You are now entering New Mexico. These were taken at the welcome center.
A life size picture of the Duke.
I don't know if I believe this, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Cool looking cactus.
Now entering the United States of Texas. It was cloudy and rainy from the Texas border to San Antonio. These are the best shots I could get under the circumstances.
Picnic area along the way.It was hot at the beginning of today's trip until it started raining.

Pecans, Walnuts, Wine!

Random Thoughts:
  • I smell onions (Las Cruces, NM)
  • I think I saw a jackalope out of the corner of my eye at one of the rest stops in in New Mexico, but wasn't quick enough with the camera.
  • I smell cows! Thousands of them... Near El Paso. Must be a stockyard or something.
  • El Paso is much bigger than I expected
  • I see Mexico!
  • There's a huge wind farm near Odessa.
  • It's 90 degrees in San Antonio at 9pm.
  • Listening to: Why Sh*t Happens, Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card
  • Livestock update: Right wins... Nothing can overcome the overwhelming stockyard numbers near El Paso
  • I'm tired of the road and need to head home.
That's it for now... Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6/17/09 - Tucson

So today I decided to head into the desert Southwest.
Here's today's route:
Drove through the desert. Here are some pics of SoCal and Arizona.
This is near the military base at a viewing area. You can see the rubber boats used during exercises.
Local flora looking for handouts.
Yuma, Arizona.
The Arizona landscape

The view from a border patrol checkpoint. When asked, the officer said they were checking for terrorists, illegals, contraband, etc. Strange thing is they only looked inside the car. No trunk check. I traveled through areas frequently checked I guess... I was stopped 4 times in the Southwest.
A nice representation of Arizona cacti. The big Saguaro on the right was about 15ft tall.
Saguaro cacti in the wild. These ranged from 10-15ft in tall.
It was a HOT drive 95-105 all the way from San Diego into Tucson.

Random Thoughts:
  • About ½ the windshield cleaners at gas stations smell putrid. Did half the attendants forget how to rinse things?
  • Listening to: Why Sh*t happens - The science of a Really Bad Day by Peter J. Bentley, PhD
  • Livestock update: I didn't get a good count today, so we'll call it even at 893.
That's it for now... Stay tuned...

6/16/09 - Los Angeles

So, today I decide to head down to Los Angeles - home of UCLA - Go Bruins! (Secretly, this is where I wanted to go to college had circumstances been different...)

The Crowne Plaza at SF didn't charge for Internet access but I had to get a cable – bad wifi reception. Got up, cleaned up, and hit the road. I took the Pacific Coast Highway. It was a perfect day for the drive 72, sunny and it was absolutely gorgeous.
Here's today's route
Totally awesome views for miles. Here are some pics.
Wild Dill. I had to stop for a one lane road repair for about 15 minutes, so I had a snack of the stalks. Tasty!
Somebody was going a bit too fast some years ago...
More pretty pictures.

Booked the Hilton close to LAX at a very reasonable price. Problem is they charge for parking and Internet access. So I checked in, unloaded and went for a walk to find something to eat and check out the local fauna. It seems that 10% of the population is wanting something to eat. I may have passed 30 people and was hit up 3 times for $$ for “food”.

Passed thru Big Sur National forest

PCH yes, it's gorgeous and it goes on for miles and miles.
Carmel is cute. I can see why Clint lives there. A nice lady adopted me at the Safeway and let me use her frequent shopper card so I could save a few bucks. Nice folks in Carmel.

I saw 4 Zebras south of San Louis Obispo. They were among a herd of cattle.


Random Thoughts
  • I smell sage
  • There are quite a few hitchhikers along PCH. Something you hardly see anymore.
  • I smell the ocean
  • Artichokes, swiss chard, sunflowers, strawberries
  • CHiPs all over PCH
  • Grapevines! Wine, Wine, Wine
  • Many livestock today, but the zebra bonus gives it to the left
  • Listening to: Hellstrom's Hive, radio, Rush. Really loud
That's it for now... Stay tuned...

Monday, June 15, 2009

6/15/09 - San Francisco

So, today I decided to head down to San Francisco (home of San Francisco State University - Go Gaters! yes, GatErs).
It was really, REALLY hard to get out of bed this morning. The bed felt good, the temperature was just right, the pillows were great, and I've been on the road for 10 days.
Finally, I get going and decide to head to Crater Lake not realizing this'll add another 3 hours to a 650 mile trip... Eh... Ya live, ya learn...
Don't get me wrong, the scenery was totally worth it
Here's today's route:
Here are some pictures from the road:
I turn off the designated exit and start looking for signs. I only see one and head to the direction indicated. I keep driving and don't see any other signs. Then I see this:
Yea, these guys should know which way to go. I stop, and ask the ladies working the front desk and I'm on my way.
Very scenic and swervy drive.

I stopped for gas around Diamond Lake. Prices here are 1/3 higher than any place around town. 3.60 vs 2.50. So, if you're gonna go, fuel up at the exit...

After about an hour, I get to the front gate, pay my $10.00 and head on in. There's snow on the ground. 6 feet high off the road. Here's proof.

I get to the rim, get out of the car and see one the the most picturesque lakes I've ever witnessed.
These pictures do not do justice to the scenery, but here they are. Click this link to go to the National Park Service for more info (they have a Crater Cam.)

Here's a picture from the International Space Station.
These crazy Japanese kids asked me to take pictures of/for them.
At one of the scenic overlooks the local fauna enjoyed some tourist food. The chipmunk was munching on Cheetos and the bird was waiting for the next drop of manna.

That's it for Crater Lake.
I got back on the road and made it to San Fran by 9:40pm. I checked in, and went to the restaurant to get something to eat. The waitress said they close at 10:00. I was there by 9:55, but I'm not going to argue. I grab the beef jerky and a couple of apples from the front desk and call it a night.

Random thoughts:
  • The forest smells musty and earthy - like a good forest should
  • It's 45 degrees on top of the crater
  • Olives, olives olives. Olive groves everywhere. I saw thousands of acres full of olives. They went on for 50+ miles.
  • Oregon still has full service gas stations
  • I noticed a lot of tractor trailers with single wider tires vs the old double tires
  • Listening to: Trespass - edited by Ed McBain (It's a looong book) and Hellstrom's Hive by Frank Herbert
  • Livestock update: Thousands of cows outside the park... too many. Left <> Right even counts... Right bonus for skunk sighting, left bonus for 2 does.
That's it for now... Stay tuned...